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These docs are intended for a developer audience.

Provide purchase data to Rebilly Instruments


This topic requires that Rebilly Instruments is set up. If you have not already done so, Set up Rebilly Instruments.

This topic describes how to pass purchase data to RebillyInstruments.mount(), you must provide purchase data to complete the customer flow. It is mandatory to use one of the following properties that are detailed in this page:

To change the purchase data at runtime, use the RebillyInstruments.update() function.

RebillyInstruments.mount(items: [])

Use this option when a customer has selected multiple items, such as in a shopping cart, or when you have specific plans to offer to a customer.

Each object in the items array object must incluide a planId and a quantity property. For more information, see Create a product and pricing plan.

Additionally, if Rebilly Instruments has been supplied with a summary, items may include a thumbnail.


  publishableKey: 'pk_sandbox_123',
  organizationId: 'org-123',
  websiteId: 'my-website-id',
  apiMode: 'sandbox',
  items: [
      planId: 'plan-abc',
      quantity: 1,
      thumbnail: '', // this property is optional

RebillyInstruments.mount(money: {})

Use this option to permit a customer to make a purchase without additional configuration. Directly specify the amount to request from the customer.

The money object must include amount and currency properties.


  publishableKey: 'pk_sandbox_123',
  organizationId: 'org-123',
  websiteId: 'my-website-id',
  apiMode: 'sandbox',
  money: {
    amount: 50,
    currency: 'USD',

RebillyInstruments.mount(invoiceId: " ")


To use this property, you must:

  • Host additional code on your own server to create an invoice and authenticate a customer.
  • Provide jwt with access to the StorefrontGetInvoice operation.
  • Authorize a customer to use jwt.

Use this option to directly make a payment on a specific invoice.

Authorize a customer to use jwt
  1. Create a customer.
  2. Create a secret API key.
  3. From the server, execute the PostAuthenticationToken operation, using the following required parameters:
    • mode: Set as passwordless.
    • customerId: ID of the customer you created that you created in step 1.
  4. From the response, use the token value to execute the PostAuthenticationTokenExchange operation. This exchange must occur as closely as possible to when the customer will access the data.
  5. From the response, use the token value as the JWT for customer authentication.
  • The PostAuthenticationTokenExchange token and the PostAuthenticationToken token are different.
  • The PostAuthenticationToken token must be treated securely and always set to expire.


  apiMode: 'sandbox',
  invoiceId: 'an-invoice-id',
  jwt: 'the-customer-jwt',

RebillyInstruments.mount(transactionId: " ")


To use this property, you must:

  • Host additional code on your own server to create an invoice and authenticate a customer.
  • Provide jwt with access to the StorefrontGetTransaction and StorefrontGetInvoice operations.
  • Authorize a customer to use jwt.

Use this options to directly make a payment towards a specific transaction.

Authorize a customer to use jwt
  1. Create a customer.
  2. Create a secret API key.
  3. From the server, execute the PostAuthenticationToken operation, using the following required parameters:
    • mode: Set as passwordless.
    • customerId: ID of the customer you created that you created in step 1.
  4. From the response, use the token value to execute the PostAuthenticationTokenExchange operation. This exchange must occur as closely as possible to when the customer will access the data.
  5. From the response, use the token value as the JWT for customer authentication.
  • The PostAuthenticationTokenExchange token and the PostAuthenticationToken token are different.
  • The PostAuthenticationToken token must be treated securely and always set to expire.


  apiMode: 'sandbox',
  transactionId: 'a-transaction-id',
  jwt: 'the-customer-jwt',

RebillyInstruments.mount(jwt: " ")


To use this property, you must:

  • Host additional code on your own server to create an invoice or transaction and authenticate a customer.
  • Authorize a customer to use jwt.
  1. Create a customer.

  2. Create a secret API key.

  3. From the server, execute the PostAuthenticationToken operation, using the following required parameters:

    • mode: Set as passwordless.
    • customerId: ID of the customer you created that you created in step 1.
  4. From the response, use the token value to execute the PostAuthenticationTokenExchange operation. This exchange must occur as closely as possible to when the customer accesses the data.

    • acl: Include a scope with your organizationId, the transactionId or invoiceId, and the following permissions:
      • PostToken
      • PostDigitalWalletValidation
      • StorefrontGetAccount
      • StorefrontPatchAccount
      • StorefrontPostPayment
      • StorefrontGetTransactionCollection
      • StorefrontGetTransaction
      • StorefrontGetPaymentInstrumentCollection
      • StorefrontPostPaymentInstrument
      • StorefrontGetPaymentInstrument
      • StorefrontPatchPaymentInstrument
      • StorefrontPostPaymentInstrumentDeactivation
      • StorefrontGetWebsite
      • StorefrontGetInvoiceCollection
      • StorefrontGetInvoice
      • StorefrontGetProductCollection
      • StorefrontGetProduct
      • StorefrontPostReadyToPay
      • StorefrontPostReadyToPayou
      • StorefrontGetPaymentInstrumentSetup
      • StorefrontPostPaymentInstrumentSetup
      • StorefrontGetDepositRequest
      • StorefrontGetDepositStrategy
      • StorefrontGetPayoutRequest
      • StorefrontGetPayoutRequestCollection
      • StorefrontPatchPayoutRequest
    • customClaims: include the websiteId as well as the transactionId or invoiceId.
  5. From the response, use the token value as the JWT for customer authentication.

  • PostAuthenticationTokenExchange token and the PostAuthenticationToken token are different values.
  • PostAuthenticationToken token must be treated securely and always set to expire.


  apiMode: 'sandbox',
  jwt: 'the-customer-jwt',

RebillyInstruments.mount(deposit: {})


To use this property, you must:

  • Host additional code on your own server to create an invoice and authenticate a customer.
  • Authorize a customer to use jwt.

Use this option to allow the customer to set the deposit amount.


  apiMode: 'sandbox',
  deposit: {
    depositRequestId: 'a-deposit-request-id',
  jwt: 'the-customer-jwt',


  apiMode: 'sandbox',
  deposit: {
    currency: 'USD',
  jwt: 'the-customer-jwt',

RebillyInstruments.mount(payout: {})


To use this property, you must:

  • Host additional code on your own server to create an invoice and authenticate a customer.
  • Authorize a customer to use jwt.
  • Issue a payout request to the customer.

Use this option to allow the customer to set the deposit amount.

  • payout must be accompanied by jwt property.
  • payout must provide the payoutRequestId.


  apiMode: 'sandbox',
  payout: {
    payoutRequestId: 'a-payout-request-id',
  jwt: 'the-customer-jwt',